Author: m.u.p // Category:
we already know this kind of problem is always occur...and it's absolutely makes our life terrible..especially for student like us..

~~so how we want to overcome this problem??
~~how we want to avoid the congestion??

so..i suggest we park the car at BV PARKING!!!is to be as an alternative parking for us...where??juz near with the resident we juz park there and can easily walk to go to BN,BM or FOODCOURT..that's not too's easy rite??

why not??there are 84 parking lots that we can park instead avoid any summons or being clamped by legally park your vehicle at BV's more convenience..for that, let me share some picture that i've been taken at BV parking..


parking lots..

more parking lots..

so what's in your mind??are you willing to park your ride at BV parking???let's share with me...=)


Author: m.u.p // Category:

  • venue : in front of BM Foyer
  • time : around 1 pm

i guess many of you will agree with me to see this similar parking as me..isn' it?? it's definitely crowded,packed and some of them tend to park at illegal parking area...i already search some info about the illegal parking from previous senior thesis's proof that the number of cars increasing as well as the illegal parking in 1 day...

Average illegal parking in 1 day:

Illegal parking = 124 (Shuhairy, 2007)

Illegal parking = 241 (Adzale, 2009)

this kind of situation will cause congestion matter especially during the peak hour...the cars always changing come in and out, the traffic flow will become heavy..this kind of stuff is very messy..we need to take some action to prevent this matter..

so you agree with me by this real current situation??


Author: m.u.p // Category:

first of all...thanx 4 viewing my blog..
let me introduce some of the purpose of my blog..
this blog is emphasizing and more disscusing on the currently parking issues at UNITEN especially for COE students..bcoz apparently the cars is increasingly by day to day..rite??
so that, many of us was spends so much time juz for seeking an empty space to park,wasting time indirectly and also late to go to class..instead of that, we need to do something to avoid this kind of situation..
so i hope you can leave your comments or ideas regarding with this problem..

thanx a lot for your time & support!!!