Author: m.u.p // Category:

  • venue : in front of BM Foyer
  • time : around 1 pm

i guess many of you will agree with me to see this similar parking as me..isn' it?? it's definitely crowded,packed and some of them tend to park at illegal parking area...i already search some info about the illegal parking from previous senior thesis's proof that the number of cars increasing as well as the illegal parking in 1 day...

Average illegal parking in 1 day:

Illegal parking = 124 (Shuhairy, 2007)

Illegal parking = 241 (Adzale, 2009)

this kind of situation will cause congestion matter especially during the peak hour...the cars always changing come in and out, the traffic flow will become heavy..this kind of stuff is very messy..we need to take some action to prevent this matter..

so you agree with me by this real current situation??

2 Responses to "REAL SITUATION..."

Anonymous Says :
December 26, 2009 at 12:21 AM

i agree!! what stressed me d most is when some 'brainless student' parks very closely behind my car. if the devil stands right beside me, their car will b scratched with d most ugliest grafitti they have ever seen!huhh!maybe u shud include their pics in dis blog.hehe.

m.u.p Says :
December 26, 2009 at 12:54 AM

~anonymous :
hahahaha..i understand..sometimes we can resist some kind of this situation..but not to 4get that we hv our then try to park at other space which not raise others temper..think wisely..thanx 4 ur comment

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