Author: m.u.p // Category:
we already know this kind of problem is always occur...and it's absolutely makes our life terrible..especially for student like us..

~~so how we want to overcome this problem??
~~how we want to avoid the congestion??

so..i suggest we park the car at BV PARKING!!!is to be as an alternative parking for us...where??juz near with the resident we juz park there and can easily walk to go to BN,BM or FOODCOURT..that's not too's easy rite??

why not??there are 84 parking lots that we can park instead avoid any summons or being clamped by legally park your vehicle at BV's more convenience..for that, let me share some picture that i've been taken at BV parking..


parking lots..

more parking lots..

so what's in your mind??are you willing to park your ride at BV parking???let's share with me...=)


Justin Mah Says :
January 13, 2010 at 11:53 AM

Good idea!!! Go for it...

m.u.p Says :
January 13, 2010 at 2:16 PM

thank 4 ur support!!

Anonymous Says :
January 13, 2010 at 4:32 PM

student don't go there because they always come late to class . don't have time to walk from there .for example class 2p.m they come 2p.m so they park any place

but good solution for now .

Anonymous Says :
January 13, 2010 at 5:52 PM

its awesome ay. make 84 parking spots for 2 lecture halls. how many parking spots are there for 2 lecture halls and tons of smaller classes at BM and BN? very smart uniten. and asking students to park at BV just because uniten is too busy spending their money elsewhere and not making new parking spots for COE students. sign me off. sorry but its the truth and you know it

Anonymous Says :
January 13, 2010 at 7:43 PM

if i'm a driver i'm still will park near u know why?coz there still the nearest...if u introduce this then it will be better for me to park at coe got i'm sure will think that let others fellow park there la...i will got more chances of getting car park at coe parking there...malaysian got their thinking like that...u can't change the fact...

Anonymous Says :
January 13, 2010 at 9:17 PM

that is so true for the one who commented above me.. just because you came up with the idea of asking people to park their cars at the BV area, doesn't mean people would go park their cars there. yeah you think its close.. HEY ITS FAR! Having to walk from the staircase down and making way towards BM or foodcourt across the grassy area.. IT'S EXTREMELY FAR! Seriously! Even though I prefer walking ITS STILL FAR! Why do you think people use cars?? coz they're too lazy to walk (and this applies to all the students by the way) and those illegal parking occurs because they have to rush quickly and can't be BOTHERED to park so far away and walk!
not to bring up any issues or whatsoever but we all know malaysians are known to be quite lazy and you think they'll park all the way at BV? Cannot lah.. So sorry to burst your bubble.. But hey, I hope your project works! ;) If I had a car I would totally park there!

Anonymous Says :
January 13, 2010 at 9:35 PM

Dahlia Nasir
Hey guys jom lah support dia.. its her final year project.. I mean, we need cooperation from everyone.. We don't want no uniten student failing her final project.. its HER FINAL year in uniten.. let's all support her... we are all uniten students.. its nice to know we've got someone else's back for that matter. That's what makes us all the same. We're all Uniten students. Trying to make it through the hard years of engineering. Might as well give support for this Malay girl who by all means are trying to help those drivers park in the right spot. I mean, for now can you think of a different alternative as to where you can park your cars? I bet she spent hours thinking of a spot where students can easily park their cars. So if you really care for another person.. Let's help this girl out and try to reduce the traffic near COE buildings.

Anonymous Says :
January 13, 2010 at 10:41 PM

im sure nobody meant any offense to her or her project, its just that it seems like the management or whoever is supposed to be incharge is just handing this problem off to someone else who shouldnt have to. i want her to pass her finals with flying colors, but at the same time i also am very disgruntled with UNITEN's way of handling this problem, which from what i can see, is doing nothing!

Anonymous Says :
January 13, 2010 at 11:54 PM

Dear Anonymous at around 6 41 A.M.

I can understand what you are trying to say but hey, I highly agree with what you have to say. I must admit, Uniten s really doing nothing much about it apart from fining students' vehicles. For the time being might as well park cars near BV theatre and just see how it goes!

At a second thought yeah Uniten is handing her this so called 'solution' easily. I mean yeah its great for a final project 'being able to be the superhero' saving uniten's traffic and what not. The idea sounds good IF ONLY you like walking under the scorching sun heat humidity and all that.

Uniten student Says :
January 14, 2010 at 2:12 PM

well, this is indeed a good idea to reduce the traffic congestion in BM. I don't mind walking from BV to BM since it's not too far though. But i mind the hot weather and what if it rains? how am i going to walk then? So for this idea to be effective, i would suggest to have at least a shelter for the path from BV to BM.

m.u.p Says :
January 14, 2010 at 3:07 PM

dear all,
1st of all,thanx a lot for all of your comments..there's such a brilliant ideas and comments.i take it as a guideline and reference for my task..just an addition,i just want to emphasize here that instead to park at COE which absolutely full especially during peak hour,why not we park at BV?just to be as an alternative parking..
for those with me,supports me,thank you so much and i mostly appreciate it..keep it up..neway, all of your comments,ideas,suggestions, i will addressed and analyzed..if you have more ideas etc,pliz do not hesitate to leave it here..
thank you very much..

Anonymous Says :
January 14, 2010 at 3:52 PM

id definitely consider parking at BV if there's a sheltered walkway from BV to COE. i used to park there during my first sem but it seriously is hot in the mid of the day. even worse if its raining. sometimes theres too many cars on the main uniten road that its hard to cross the road.

m.u.p Says :
January 14, 2010 at 4:50 PM

i agree too to build a shelter at the pedestrian walk..btw this idea i've been point put's definitely will be in my project dscussion & recommendations..thanx 4 your suggestns..

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